sunnuntai 25. maaliskuuta 2012


"On-button, off-button, tv-button, paperwork-button, cry-button, remote control-button, summer-button, art-button, operator-button, escape-button, where the fuck are you-button, smile-button, baby-button, house-button, internet-button, love me-button, war-button, cat-button, my ass-button, flirt-button, huge factory-button, send-button, big red alarm-button, Suomi-button, I love NY-button, good morning-button, toothpick-button, learning foreign languages-button, eat me-button, banana-button, mind the gap please-button, exhibition-button, wicked-button, positive-button, peanut-button, amazing-button, to the moon and back-button, together-button, listen to the channel 5-button, navi-button, healing-button, incredible sex-button, continue-button, milk-button, oxygen-button, coffee-button, your friends are all here-button, cinema-button, vanilla-button, little more action-button, shirt-button, hillbilly-button, primitivity-button, e-mail-button, help-button, check this-button, DVD-button, new message-button, high-button, rock´n roll-button, super-button, bellybutton, don´t push-button, center-button, men-button, children´s playroom-button, I would like to die now please-button, departures-button, hit the road Jack-button, festival-button, underground-button, spoon-button, sunshine-button, railroad-button, up-button, down-button, back-button, forth-button, very old and broken button, I don´t want to push this button-button, this is not my suitcase-button, end-button..."

-Lady Mercuria-

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